The distinguished executive of Samsung Company made it public that Samsung Pay, which is the solution to Android Pay and Apple Pay of the South Korean company was officially unveiled in the States in late September. Since then, this development has allowed users of well-matched Samsung devices to make payment easily with their devices.
The mobile system uses both the Magnetic Secure Transaction (MST) and Near Field Communication (NFC) that makes somewhat more feature-rich, compared to Apple Pay and Android Pay.
So far so good, it is only the top-end Samsung devices that can make use of the service as of now. Luckily, there is hope for all the non-Samsung users who are looking forward to join the Samsung Pay train. It was gathered from a recent rumor that the payments service might eventually be available on the Smartphone offerings of other manufacturers.
This piece comes directly from Injong Rhee, who is the mobile division VP of Samsung, making this buzz as believable as it can be. It is therefore secure to believe that this has been sufficiently discussed at the Samsung top management level.
The VP said categorically that his company has considered offering Samsung Pay to their partners, right from inception, but at this moment, international expansion is taking place so rapidly for Samsung Pay when their energy is being concentrated on deployment.
The executive revealed further that co-existing together with your wallet is the whole idea behind Samsung Pay and not replacing it. Wallets and Samsung Pay will set off each other, and this will make new value, and turn out to be a tool that makes ecommerce very much easier.
Usually, ETA is not available for open Samsung Pay. On the other hand, the likelihood that Samsung might change its mind in the coming months to make its mobile payments exclusive for its own high-end Galaxies should not be ruled out.